Actor - Director - Artist

Izzi King is an Actor, Director, and Theatre Artist based in Chicago.

Hey! I am Izzi, and I use she/they pronouns. I am an artist from Oregon, and I love nature, life, plants, and animals. Some of my greatest strengths are my amazing organizational skills and my toxic trait of thinking I can do just about anything if given enough time to learn how. I am passionate about climate change, prison reform, and accessible theatre. I got my minor in Applied Psychology from DePaul in addition to my BFA Acting degree; I think psychology is the coolest science ever and can greatly inform the work I do as an actor. 

I am drawn to theatre that makes me question, draws me in, leaves me hanging, and leaves me questioning. I am drawn to art that reflects and makes a statement about the world around me. I am drawn to people and places that challenge me. At the end of the day, I want to be happy and healthy and for people to say I was kind and good at what I did. 

Do these ideas resonate with you? If so, let’s chat and make something together. :)

Me and my family —>

<— Me and my dog, Frank